Probably I not at that age what to be the rebel , I have enough efforts and without it. I have found out that in my clothes new jeans appeared last time about 3 years ago. And here before me a parcel in which the pair of the ordinary jeans bought in online shop . Have come quickly, and that I wanted, but not about it I wished to write.I have visited absolutely other thoughts...
Having appeared in the middle 19 century, like cowboys and gold diggers clothes, having changed styles and procedure of the origin they became the most popular clothes on the planet.
American settlers in the West clash to weight difficulty and necessity it is a lot of and hard work. Аmerica promised riches, with its gold, possibilities and boundless expanses . But and in exchange it demand to much:

Jeans, overalls, jeans jackets to satisfy on demand these independents and rude people. Cut of jeans to become clear to practical necessary: additional pockets for instruments, covers for driving on a horse, free sleeves not to constrain movements. If jeans became clothes for rest and even fashionable clothes after World War II , they from it not to be working clothes.
In 1929 crisis for jeans only have strengthened the position :jeans clothes to begining very much on the practicality.
James Din and Мarlon Brando dressed in jeans, to arise in million hearts spectators strong a storm of emotions.
All world has put on in style cattle breeding in Aмerica.
World War II to open for jeans European and the world markets. On military ordering jeans to supply army, as uniform.
The world popularity of jeans to goes about a hand from them a youth idol -supermen from Western the shy young blonde with a clear sight ,and it is indispensable in jeans.
Jeans have received the second breath in 60th years, when hippies have made really revolution not only in youth consciousness, but also in a youth jeans fashion:
applications , fringes, decorations from shells , simply picturesque attritions and holes became a symbol of freedom , free love , rebelliousness and the protest against bourgeoisie prejudices and values.
1980th years image of jeans was replaced again.
1990th years have added to solidity jeans. Jeans don't to be clothes for walks and trips on the nature. Now trousers from rough fabrics in eternal classic.
The grown old youth 1950 has transferred nostalgic memoirs on traditional family values, old

Seems that jeans existed always. It is impossible for itself like people did without them.
Sometimes even it seems that jeans have appeared earlier, than Adam and Eve.Jeans as if correct your image, the more at you steam of jeans, the it is more at you a choice for the most various situations.Jeans to apply and fashion designers in the art. On jeans has appeared jewels, gold and even brilliants.The old models which have been found out in grandmother's chests, are on sale at auctions for hundred thousand dollars.Since then trousers, shirts, jackets, caps, footwear from jeans to receive a strong place in modern man life.Creating an attrition jeans oldest effect , to a deterioration and at the same time attract and

And here, when I have unpacked a parcel, and have dressed on myself jeans I have thought that that who and anything in the world are not capable so absolutely to change not only your image and appearance, but also a style of life and even your thoughts how magic jeans are able to do it.