Sunday, August 28, 2011

3 Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies You Can Start Using Today
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection, so
it's no surprise that there are hundreds of different bacterial
vaginosis remedies out there for you to try.

But having too many options is a problem in itself. You obviously
want the one treatment that will give you the best results. But
unfortunately different treatments work differently for different
women, so it helps to know a handful of the best treatments that
other women have tried and tested FOR you.

Another thing you ought to keep in mind is that one treatment
alone usually just doesn't cut it, especially if you have had
bacterial vaginosis for a while. Your best bet is to use a
combination of different bacterial vaginosis remedies, each
remedy supplementing the other through a different mode of

So in this article I'll be telling you about 3 different
bacterial vaginosis remedies that you should be using together in
COMBINATION. And this isn't any old random combination, it's
one that REAL WOMEN have used time and time again with an
excellent rate of success.

So here's your list of...

3 Powerful Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies

BV Remedy #1: Hydrogen Peroxide

This is a very powerful treatment indeed. Hydrogen peroxide is a
substance that is naturally present inside every healthy vagina.
Good bacteria inside your vagina naturally produce hydrogen
peroxide in order to kill off the bad bacteria. For this reason,
hydrogen peroxide is one of the few bactericidal remedies that
kills ONLY the bad bacteria and leaves the good ones alone.
That's why hydrogen peroxide is so effective. Here's how to use

Take 1/4 cup (60 ml) of 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix it with 1/4
cup of water (preferably distilled). Apply as a douche 1 to 2
times per day, for 3 days (maximum 5 days). This gives most women
IMMEDIATE relief from the bad smells and excess vaginal

As effective as hydrogen peroxide is in the immediate sense, its
effects don't last very long for most women, not when you use it
on its own. That's where the folic acid and acidophilus comes

BV Remedy #2: Acidophilus

One strain of good bacteria inside your vagina is called
lactobacillus acidophilus. You can take acidophilus tablets to
increase the number of good bacteria inside your vagina. If you
don't like tablets, you can also take natural unpasteurized
yogurts that contain live strains of acidophilus bacteria.

Once the hydrogen peroxide has killed off the bad bacteria, you
can take acidophilus to help replenish the colony of good
bacteria inside your vagina. These good bacteria then release
more hydrogen peroxide naturally. They also release other
chemicals such as lactic acid, which kill off more of the bad
bacteria and prevent them from growing back.

Acidophilus doesn't work very well on its own, because it isn't
very good at killing off the overgrown bad bacteria that you get
in bacterial vaginosis. But when used in combination with
hydrogen peroxide, its effects have been shown to be extremely

Acidophilus tablets and yogurts can be used both orally and
vaginally. Studies have shown the oral route to provide longer
lasting results, whereas the vaginal route produces more
immediate results.

The Oral Route...

Take 2-3 acidophilus pills orally for at least 1 month. Or take
150ml natural unpasteurized yogurt containing live acidophilus
twice daily for at least 1 month.

The Vaginal Route...

Insert one vaginal acidophilus suppository AFTER each hydrogen
peroxide douche. Or apply unpasteurized yogurt containing live
acidophilus bacteria liberally inside your vagina using an
applicator or spoon. Do this at night AFTER your hydrogen
peroxide douche, and be sure to wear a non-deodorized pad to
avoid soiling your underwear. The vaginal route is to be used for
no longer than 7 consecutive days.

BV Remedy #3: Folic Acid

Folic acid is the icing on the cake here. It uses a whole
different approach and is thought to help cure BV by modulating
and strengthening the immune system. Sure, it CAN be used on its
own to help cure BV, but it is best used in combination with
other more direct bacterial vaginosis remedies like the two
mentioned above.

A number of scientific studies have demonstrated that women who
take folic acid, or have a high intake of folate in their diet,
are far less likely to get bacterial vaginosis. The exact mode of
action of folic acid is uncertain, but it can certainly be
attributed at least partially to the effect it has on
strengthening your immune system.

I advise you to take 800 micrograms in 2 divided doses every day.
So that's 400 micrograms twice a day. The recommended daily
allowance for non-pregnant women is 400 micrograms per day, but I
have found that taking a higher dose helps in the short term for
boosting the immune system to help cure BV. And don't worry,
it's perfectly safe to take 800 micrograms per day. Th
extra-cautious, safe upper limit is 1,000 micrograms per day.

Women who take these 3 bacterial vaginosis remedies - hydrogen
peroxide, acidophilus and folic acid in combination have been
found to permanently cure their BV far more often than when they
use any one or two of the treatments alone.

So why not get started today? If you have been suffering
BV, then you owe it to yourself to take action right now. For
more information and a more comprehensive guide on how to cure
your bacterial vaginosis permanently, visit

Copyright (c) 2011 Louise Endago

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