For over a century, iodine has been hailed as the element
necessary for your thyroid hormone production. And clearly, that's crucial to our health.
What is shocking is that one doctor tested more than 4,000 of his patient’s iodine level and a 96.5% tested low for this critical substance.
However, there's so much more to iodine than just thyroid hormone productions.
Without enough iodine, balancing your hormonal or endocrine system it becomes impossible to be healthy, The reproductive – hormone producing – and thyroid systems are directly linked and must be treated in tandem to achieve healing. That health altering fact is not even on the radar with conventional medicine.
Iodine, a mineral, contains potent antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, and even anticancer properties.
While good iodine levels help fight back against cancer,lowered iodine levels provide fertile ground for cancer to begin in your many different hormonally sensitive tissues;tissues of the prostate, thyroid, breast, uterus, and ovaries.
During the early 1900's, there was a high prevalence of goiter - enlarged thyroid - in states bordering the Great Lakes, aka as the 'Goiter Belt’. Based on the outcome of Research done at that time, including studies performed by the state of Michigan, iodine clearly decreased the goiter problem.
Thus, in the 1920's, iodine was added to salt. Soon, the rest of the United States quickly adopted this cost-effective policy of adding iodine to salt to prevent thyroid enlargement.
And although the addition of iodine to the salt supply did lessen the prevalence of thyroid tumors both in the U.S. and worldwide, it is inadequate to supply your body's full need for iodine.
Iodized salt is a poor source of the compound iodide,because it is not very bioavailable for the body.Clickto learn about table salt.
Additionally, due to poor farming techniques, deficiencies of iodine and lacking other minerals in the soil have increased. Obviously, crops grown in iodine-deficient
soil will lack iodine.
And iodine deficiency is not only due to inadequate intake.
_indicating_problem.htm and take a look at symptoms and if you have 3 or more symptoms on one list you can bet you have a thyroid problem. There is also a link on that page to do a home thyroid test that is the most accurate, since blood thyroid testing is wrong more than 70% of the time.
What is so weird is that whether it is hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism the treatment is very near the same. Balance the thyroid and symptoms disappear health improves and in those with tumors, they shrink.
Iodine being a mineral is significant in knowing how healthy or ill you will be. It is a known fact if you are deficient in iodine you are in many other minerals and this will adversely affect your health, now or later! Learn about the ABC”s of minerals to understand why!
Wishing you a very healthy life!
© by Lena Sanchez
** Author Lena Sanchez, a retired Medical Office Nurse and Medical Office Consultant, took charge of her life in 1992 found healthy drug-free alternatives and pain relief from a multitude of health issues. Now committed to helping others do the same by educating on actually treating illness and disease rather than masking symptoms.
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